Volunteer Spotlight- Bob Drago

“God isn’t done with me yet”

Bob Drago has been volunteering at the Allentown Rescue Mission for over three years! He has helped with the Mission’s largest fundraisers as well as serving meals to the men.

            Bob was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer three years ago.  “When they told me to get all of my papers together, it was the scariest thing, but I recovered and am now cancer free.  I help out at the Allentown Rescue Mission because hearing the stories of the men makes me feel good, and it lets me know that what I am doing is making a difference.  I knRow that God isn’t done with me yet, and I have a purpose!”

            Bob started volunteering at the Allentown Rescue Mission after he heard Bobby “Gunther” Walsh on WAEB 790 talk about the help needed for the annual Spaghetti Dinner.  He decided to help by rolling meatballs for the event, and he has continued to do so for the past three years.  After the first year of helping with this event, Bob decided he wanted to do more to help the men.  He then decided to volunteer to be a driver for our annual Thanks for Giving drive.  He was a dispatcher for the first year of this event, but then transitioned into driving which he has continued for the past two years.

            Along with the larger events, Bob has also helped in the Mission’s kitchen by organizing the food pantry, and providing make-and-serve meals to the men.  He even came in on Christmas Eve, which is also his birthday, to serve a meal to our men.  He says that serving the men is a great birthday present, and he wants to continue coming in every year on his birthday to lend a hand any way he can.

            He says that he volunteers at the Mission because he wants to give back for all that he has. “I have a beautiful wife, a house, and a job.  I have all of the things that most people take for granted.  I was born and raised in New York and even though I have all of these things I have seen what it is like to be on the other end of it.”

            The advice that Bob would give to others is that volunteering at the Allentown Rescue Mission is worth it.  “I was uncomfortable calling in, and I was uncomfortable the first time I volunteered, but I knew it was right.” He says he likes volunteering at the Allentown Rescue Mission because the work he does is more of a helping hand than a handout.

            The Allentown Rescue Mission thanks Bob for all of his help and support.  We appreciate him, and all he does to give back.
