Transformation Program Graduate – Michael D.

Michael D. came to the Allentown Rescue Mission the same day he lost his apartment. For fifteen years, he had a stable job. Toward the end of his fifteen years, Michael’s supervisor moved on from the company and Michael had to take on additional responsibilities. He began experiencing dizzy spells and psoriasis outbreaks due to the stress of his new duties. Michael decided to quit his job and live off his savings until he found another job. Unfortunately, his money ran out before he found a job.

After Michael arrived at the Emergency Shelter, he heard about the Transformation Program. He thought it was a good option because he was raised Roman Catholic and always found religious studies interesting. Joining the program would also give him more time to search for work.

Michael ended up enjoying the program and the structure that was associated with it. He recently graduated and took a job on the Clean Team Workforce. Michael wants to attain stability in his life. His goal is to own a little house and to keep things simple like he was living before the events that led to his coming to the Mission.