Transformation Program Graduate – Joshua L.

Prior to coming to the Allentown Rescue Mission, Joshua L. bounced around between family and friend’s
houses. He was diagnosed with grand mal seizures at the age of 15 and lived off of social security
disability from ages 18-30. To alleviate his seizures, Joshua self-medicated with marijuana.

While residing in the Mission’s Emergency Shelter, Joshua joined the Transformation Program. The
program helped him make significant changes that are turning his life around. Joshua now believes in
God, has learned to take responsibility for his actions and his welfare, and is under doctor’s care for his
seizures instead of self-medicating.

Joshua graduated from the Transformation Program and is working on the Clean Team Workforce until
he can find a permanent job working at a warehouse or restaurant and afford an apartment.

Joshua enjoys playing football and video games and hopes to one day attain his dream of reviewing
video games as a full-time occupation.