Ted came to the Allentown Rescue Mission looking for help. While in the Program, Ted always followed all instructions given to him and has been a model guest of the Allentown Rescue Mission. Ted is engaged in the program and says that his relationship with Jesus Christ is growing, and he attends Calvary Chapel regularly. Ted graduated from Phase 1 of the Transformation Program on January 3, 2020.
Ted demonstrates all 10 Workplace Values on a daily basis, but the one value that really sticks out with Ted is his diligence. Ted is one of our streets cleaners for the Clean Team, and he knows Linden and Walnut Street like the back of his hand. Ted shows that he cares about the work he does and always does good work on street he is cleaning. Ted takes his cleaning seriously and even informs his manager when he sees bulk trash dumping on the city streets of Allentown so that his manager can inform Public Works of the situation.
Ted’s overall plan for the future is to find a job, possibly warehouse work or a position with the Allentown Parking Authority. Ted has also shown interest in getting his CDL, but that idea is on hold during the coronavirus pandemic. Ted says he would also like to reconcile his relationship with his ex-wife.