Jason lived with his parents and helped around the house because he couldn’t afford a place of his own. In 2019, Jason’s mother passed away, leaving him devastated. A short time later, in 2021, his father also passed. Jason worked odd jobs but couldn’t find a full-time job before he was forced to give up the house. In the meantime, a mailing from the Allentown Rescue Mission came to his house because Jason had donated to the Mission in the past. He instantly knew where to go.
While in the Emergency Shelter, Jason decided to join the Transformation Program. He needed more time to get his thoughts, emotions, and life together and saw the spiritual aspect of the program as a bonus.
Jason graduated from the Transformation Program in March 2023 and immediately started to work for the Clean Team Workforce. He has been working at Lonergan Pump Systems for over a month and has learned a lot about natural gas pipe and valve assembly and welding.
Chris Lonergan, owner of Lonergan Pump Systems, and his son Jason Lonergan have taken Jason under their wings. They encourage him and teach him life and workplace lessons. Chris said, “Jason always arrives early and is ready to work. He doesn’t shy away from new things. He steps up to learn new skills and never complains.”
When the Lonergans learned Jason would be receiving the Employee of the Month award, they invited Mission staff for doughnuts and coffee to celebrate Jason and the Allentown Rescue Mission. They hired the Clean Team Workforce based on referrals from other businesses in the area and couldn’t be happier with the service.
In the future, Jason longs to be independent and maintain a stable life. “I want to be successful and live right, nothing extravagant.”
The Allentown Rescue Mission, a 501c3, 123 bed non-profit homeless shelter has been providing shelter for homeless men since 1900. In addition to emergency shelter services (365 days a year), the Allentown Rescue Mission offers a residential life skills program, and transitional employment on the Clean Team Workforce that’s available for hire to the community. The Clean Team Workforce pays the men above PA state minimum wage– helping them save a nest egg to transition back into the community. In a typical year, the Allentown Rescue Mission provides shelter services for over 946 men per year, and serves over 42,000 meals a year to men in need.
To refer someone to the Allentown Rescue Mission for services or to learn ways you can help make a difference please visit www.allentownrescuemission.org