The Allentown Rescue Mission recently honored Preeta and Kris Kapoor for a lifetime of support. In the 1960s, Mr. Kapoor lived in the Allentown area and would often walk by the Mission. “I developed a habit, you know, of making the sign of the cross as I walked by the big cross outside of the building”, Kapoor recounted when describing his connection to the Mission.
Soon he and his wife decided to volunteer. They prepared and served meals at the Mission during the holidays. As the years passed, they continued to support the long-time Mission efforts of feeding and sheltering homeless men through in-kind and monetary donations.
Eventually, the Kapoor’s devotion to the Mission led Mr. Kapoor to a seat on the Board of Directors. He served faithfully for several years until health issues prompted him to retire. However, they still support the Allentown Rescue Mission, and as a thank you for a recent generous donation and a lifetime of support, the Allentown Rescue Mission honored Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor by prominently displaying a plaque in their honor in its dining room.
“There is no greater good than to feed and help those in need”, stated Mr. Kapoor at the plaque dedication.