Jason M. lived with his parents and helped out around the house because he was unable to afford rent on his own. In 2019, Jason’s mother passed away, leaving him devastated. A short time later, in 2021, his father also passed, and Jason felt he had “no one to rely on.” Amid his grief, the landlord gave Jason two weeks to find a way to pay the rent or find other living arrangements. Jason worked odd jobs but could not find a full-time job in that timeframe and was forced to give up the house. In the meantime, a mailing from the Allentown Rescue Mission came to his house because Jason had donated to the Mission in the past and he immediately knew where to go.
While in the Emergency Shelter Jason decided to join the Transformation Program. He needed more time to get his thoughts, emotions, and life together and saw the spiritual aspect of the program as an added bonus. Jason described his time in the Transformation Program as “life-changing.” At the end of the eight-week program, he said that he felt like he was just getting started and wished that the program was longer.
Jason started working for the Clean Team Workforce the day after he graduated from the Transformation Program and found another added bonus. The Clean Team Workforce not only employs men, but allows them to participate in counseling and classes in the evening after work, just as he had hoped.
In the future, Jason wants to be independent and maintain a stable life. “Nothing extravagant,” he said. He is planning on using the knowledge he gained at the Allentown Rescue Mission as a stepping stone to a bright future.