Before coming to the Allentown Rescue Mission, Christopher S. was without housing and adopted a nomadic lifestyle. He began his homeless journey in Missouri. From Missouri, he walked to Arkansas and then to Tennessee. From Tennessee, he got a ride to Maryland and then finished his journey by walking to Pennsylvania where he found the Allentown Rescue Mission. In each state, Christopher spent time in their respective homeless shelters.
Once Christopher arrived at the Allentown Rescue Mission, he immediately showed interest in the Transformation Program because he was ready to improve his life, have more social interaction, and grow closer to God. According to Christopher, his time in the program was as beneficial as he hoped it would be. He re-learned spiritual principles that he had forgotten and learned life skills that will help him in his quest to become independent.
Christopher joined the Clean Team Workforce with hopes of saving enough money to “live sensibly.” He eventually would like a place of his own near the ocean and return to his prior work as a mechanic.