Our February Spotlight is Raymond B.
The Allentown Rescue Mission’s Clean Team would like to congratulate their Worker of the Month for February, Raymond “Ray” B.
Ray came to the Allentown Rescue Mission down and out. Betrayed by his friends and family, Ray found himself homeless and in need of help. He decided to enter into the Transformation Program at the Allentown Rescue Mission on March 18th, 2019 after realizing he needed more solutions to his problems beyond just his financial situation.
While in the Program, Ray began growing spiritually, and humbling himself to take responsibility for his actions and own up to his own mistakes. Ray says that through the Transformation Program he “got closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.” He graduated from the Program on May 13th, 2019 and has since been employed with the Allentown Rescue Mission’s Clean Team while seeking permanent employment in the community.
Ray demonstrates the Clean Team’s 10 Workplace Values on a daily basis, but the one value that really sticks out with Ray is that he is grateful. Grateful to be receiving help from the Allentown Rescue Mission, grateful to be working a paying job, grateful for being alive and well, and grateful for becoming closer to the Lord. Ray is now also grateful for the “little things” in life that he used to take for granted.
Ray has worked many types of jobs while on the Clean Team: Moving jobs, property cleanouts, mulching, weeding, litter clean-up, etc., and has worked for different Clean Team customers such as Bethlehem Landfill, Harry’s U Pull It, and Habitat for Humanity’s Restore, to name a few. Ray works every day while having a positive attitude and a humble heart, and if you catch him on a really good day, you might hear him singing.
Ray feels like he has really achieved something graduating from the Transformation Program. He enjoys working with the Clean Team, but ultimately, Ray is looking forward to obtaining permanent employment in the community and his own apartment. He said it will be somewhat scary to move out on his own again, but knows God will get him through any challenges that may come.
The Allentown Rescue Mission congratulates Raymond on all of his hard work! Through his positive attitude and effort, he has truly defined an Allentown Rescue Mission Clean Team employee.