Liz has been volunteering at the Allentown Rescue Mission for over six years. Typically, you can find her helping the kitchen staff. She contributes to the kitchen by preparing meals, making bagged lunches, and of course, serving meals to the men.
“To see that the meals I help prepare put smiles on the men’s faces is beyond rewarding!” Liz has helped out with the Allentown Rescue Mission’s annual events as well. Every year she helps with the Spaghetti Dinner and the Thanks For Giving Food Drive. Whether it is making meatballs, or weighing donations of donated goods, Liz is always available to help. “No matter what I am doing, I love the feeling of helping the men get back on their feet.”
As a school teacher, Liz always strives to help those who are in need. The Allentown Rescue Mission is a perfect opportunity to do just that. The men at the Allentown Rescue Mission come from all walks of life, but they are all there for one reason – to better themselves.
“Just like my students, the first thing anyone needs to learn, grow, and succeed is for their basic needs to be met, such as food, shelter, and clothing. That is the first thing that the Allentown Rescue Mission provides for them, and I am happy to help make that happen.” Once those needs are met, the men are then able to take classes that offer life-sustaining skills, and they can get any help they may need through the Transformation Program and staff.
“The staff at the Allentown Rescue Mission is always friendly and accommodating,” says Liz. “They are always looking for ways to improve what they are doing to make these men as successful as possible. They are dedicated and passionate about the work they do.” Liz says that she is thankful to be a part of an organization that is doing its best to help fight for a cause. “The Allentown Rescue Mission is helping to end homelessness in the Lehigh Valley, and I am thankful to be a part of that.”