The day his stepfather died, Jon’s childhood died, too. “I was 7 years old and, suddenly, I was the man of the house, responsible for raising my brothers and sisters because my mom was always working.”
He lived in constant fear that he would fail his family. Then, when he was 16, Jon went to work to help support them and his boss taught him a way to cope with his anxiety. “If I was aggravated, he would tell me to go get high,” Jon says. “That’s when my addictions started.”
For 47 years, he was a functioning addict, holding down jobs, but growing distant from his children and damaging his health. Finally, he wound up homeless. He was living in a tent in the woods when he had a heart attack. “I didn’t care if I died,” he says.
But the ambulance got him to the hospital in time, and when he was discharged, hospital staff referred Jon to our Emergency Shelter, where he found a comfortable bed, nutritious meals and medical care at our DeSales Free Medical Clinic. “A volunteer cardiologist checks my heart and gets my prescriptions.”
With his physical needs met, Jon’s heart has been healing and he’s developed the clarity and determination to change his life. Our Transformation Program’s Bible studies and chapel services have helped him find that new life through a relationship with Jesus Christ. “I’ve learned to let Him guide me.”
“Following Christ is my new way of life.”
Jon has also found emotional healing and learned healthy coping skills through our life skills classes. Now, his relationships with his children have been restored and he’s serving on our Clean Team, saving money and making plans to retire so he can spend time with his children and grandchildren. “Now, I want to live because I know there are wonderful things in store.”
Thank you for sharing God’s love with Jon this Easter. His life has been renewed through the joy and hope of the Gospel! “I was a lost soul, but now I’ve found the path to Jesus.” Download our Holiday Newsletter here.