This year would have been the 18th Annual Spaghetti Dinner, an event held in conjunction with Bobby Gunther and WAEB News Radio to raise funds in support of homeless men. However, to keep its staff, volunteers, donors, community partners, and the homeless men it serves safe, the Allentown Rescue Mission canceled its longstanding fundraiser. For years, families, friends, staff, volunteers, and homeless men would come together to eat a delicious meal and celebrate generosity.
While the pandemic has canceled many events throughout the world, it could not cancel the generosity of our community. In lieu of actual dinner, the Allentown Rescue Mission hosted a virtual fundraising event to provide homeless men in the Greater Lehigh Valley with shelter, meals, and the care they need to get back on their feet.
Thanks to its supporters, the Allentown Rescue Mission raised enough money to provide 12 months of bagged lunches for the Clean Team, a year’s worth of fresh fruits and vegetables, a year of milk for breakfast, and over a year of hot showers for all of the men living at the Allentown Rescue Mission.
The event is over, but the work of the Allentown Rescue Mission continues. The Allentown Rescue Mission has stayed open throughout the pandemic and provides shelter, meals, medical care, social services, coaching, workforce development classes, faith-based education, and help finding affordable housing to hundreds of homeless men every year.
If you missed the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser and want to help, visit to see how you, too, can make the life of a homeless man better.
Thank you to everyone that donated to this year’s virtual Spaghetti Dinner event.