Today the Allentown Rescue Mission observed a Veterans Day Moment of Silence in recognition of the service and sacrifice of all veterans. A prayer followed to dedicate a stone marker in the Allentown Rescue Mission’s courtyard in honor of all the veterans who have passed through the Allentown Rescue Mission’s doors.
The Allentown Rescue Mission houses and supports many homeless veterans each year. A 2019 Point-in-Time Count (a count on a single night of homeless people in a community) conducted by three government agencies revealed that nearly 38,000 veterans are homeless in America on any given night.
“Like many homeless individuals, veterans face a shortage of affordable housing, insufficient income, and inadequate access to health care,” said Rob Romig, Gateway Emergency Shelter Manager. The National Coalition of Homeless Veterans reports that as many as 70 percent of homeless vets also battle substance-abuse problems, and 50 percent suffer from severe mental illnesses. These challenges are compounded by a lack of family and social networks.
“What our veterans seek and need most is clean, safe housing, and a supportive environment. We provide that for our men here at the Allentown Rescue Mission,” Romig said. The Allentown Rescue Mission offers programs and services designed to help to return and struggling veterans gain marketable job skills, and locate the resources they need to rebuild productive and fulfilling lives.
**Please note in the pictures are two of the veterans staying with us now. One of the men lead us in prayer. Thank you so much men for all you did so we may be free!