We’re big proponents of second chances, so we’re always willing to give past graduates of the Transformation Program the chance to go through it again. We understand that change and self-improvement can be hard, so we don’t judge or look down on graduates who couldn’t maintain their transformed life. We welcome them with open arms.
That’s what happened with today’s graduate, Ryan. Ryan first stayed with us from late 2019 to early 2020. Partying and bad influences led him to become homeless at an early age. “I didn’t think about the consequences; I was just focused on enjoying my youth and having fun.” Recalls, Ryan. Eventually, the partying got out of control. He drifted away from his family and soon found himself homeless.
After graduating from the program the first time, he found a job and his own place, however, he soon fell into old habits. “I’m embarrassed, but I saw my old friends having fun, and I wanted that. I kept thinking: I’ll get serious when I’m older.” Says Ryan. Luckily, Ryan understood that if he didn’t correct his current path, he would end up worse than before.
“I came back to the Allentown Rescue Mission, and they welcomed me back with open arms. My experience taught me to have patience and trust in the Lord.” Mentions, Ryan. We saw how earnest Ryan was in his attempts to improve and learn from his mistakes. We’re happy to say that he’s now wiser and more mature.
Now that he’s gone through the program again, Ryan wants to use what we taught him to get a job, manage his money wisely, and get a place of his own again. We’re cheering you on, Ryan. We know it’s hard, but we know you will succeed!