Rafael grew up moving back and forth between the United States and Puerto Rico

Rafael grew up moving back and forth between the United States and Puerto Rico. He finally settled down in the U.S. when he was seventeen. Rafael grew up learning to box, and he said that his training, as well as the staff from the Allentown Rescue Mission, helped him push through the tough times. Rafael came to the Allentown Rescue Mission after being hospitalized for seven months. Rafael has learned to be a fighter. “In this program, you have to go head first. The staff will teach you how to get to the starting line, but it is up to you to keep racing and fighting to become a success.” Rafael’s lifelong goal is to help others that need help, just like he did, and he wants to start where it matters to him most. “I would love to help and volunteer for the Allentown Rescue Mission one day.”
