William took care of his mother every day for 16 years.

In addition to working as a Federal Police Officer in Warminster, he shopped for groceries, paid the bills and saw to his mother’s every need.
“One night she was okay, and the next morning she was dead,” he says. “I was so angry and asked God, ‘Why did you take my mother away?’”
But that was not the only blow…because then he became homeless!
After the death of his mother, William was bereft. “I was very close to my mom…her death tore me apart.”
Sixty-five and living on social security, William couldn’t keep up the payments on the home they shared, and it was foreclosed.
“I went to the Allentown Police Department and they told me about the Mission.”
“The Mission helps in a lot of ways,” William says. “You get a bed. You get clothing and meals. Where else could you go and find that kind of help? You can’t walk up to somebody on the street and say, ‘Look, I’m homeless. I have no money, no job, nothing. Can you give me a bed and some clothes?’”
One of the “directions” William is looking for is how to become more involved with the Mission, even after he finds his own place to live. “When somebody has helped you, you don’t just pick up and run,” he says.
“God sent me in the right direction when he brought me here. And I’m happy that He did. Now, as I find my next direction, I’m listening to God. Sometimes God’s answers are obvious, but other times He wants you to figure it out for yourself.”