Clean Team Workforce Employee of the Month – Pedro

The Allentown Rescue Mission congratulates its Clean Team Workforce employee of the Month for February, Pedro D.

Pedro came to the Allentown Rescue Mission after a brief hospital stay for mental health care. Pedro had been a stay-at-home father of four. When the relationship with his children’s mother ended, Pedro needed help to get his life back on track.

Pedro appeared cold and distant when he first entered the Emergency Shelter. Staff members knew instantly that the Allentown Rescue Mission’s Transformation Program would greatly benefit him.

Pedro agreed to give the program a try if the staff could promise him one thing. He wanted to call his children every night at 7 p.m. He didn’t want one day to go by without talking to them.  The staff promised, and Pedro enrolled in the program.

Pedro struggled at first and almost left the Allentown Rescue Mission because he could not get in touch with his daughter one day. However, after talking to the staff, he realized that to achieve his main goal of being 100% present for his children, he needed to continue healing.

In the end, Pedro graduated from the Transformation Program and joined the Clean Team Workforce. As a result of his good work on the Clean Team Workforce, he was hired by a local company and regained custody of his four children.

About a year after he left, Pedro received a call from the Allentown Rescue Mission offering him another position on the Clean Team Workforce. He was given the opportunity to work in the Emergency Shelter helping men in need of the same care he received not too long ago.

Pedro has been a wonderful addition to the staff. “It keeps me grounded because it is where I came from and I want to share my experience with other men coming into the shelter”, Pedro declared.

Thank you, Pedro, for being a good employee and even better man.