The Allentown Rescue Mission announces its Clean Team Workforce Employee of the Month for September, Joe T.
The last five years of Joe’s life have been difficult. In 2016, Joe lost a son to street violence. Through his grief, Joe worked and resided at a Christian organization in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the organization was restructured, and Joe was left without a job or place to live. He tried to find emergency housing but the shelters in D.C. were either full or closed. So Joe lived on the streets for close to a year.
Realizing that the pandemic wasn’t ending soon, Joe decided to be proactive in changing his life. He looked for viable options online and found the Allentown Rescue Mission. Joe loved the idea of being offered a job after completing the Transformation Program. So he made the trip from Washington D.C. to Allentown to take part in the programs offered at the Allentown Rescue Mission.
While in the Transformation Program, Joe began renewing his spirit with the help of the staff. The program and the staff helped Joe see what God was doing for him. He became aware of the good things in his life and learned not to dwell on what he didn’t have. Joe graduated from the Transformation Program on April 5, 2021, and began working on the Clean Team Workforce.
Joe is grateful for the opportunity to work for the Clean Team Workforce. He is starting over. Picking up trash for the City of Allentown is humbling, but Joe is taking this time to learn workplace values for continued success in the future.
In August, Joe had saved enough money working on the Clean Team Workforce to move into an apartment. He continues to come to work every day with a smile on his face. Joe enjoys working for the Clean Team Workforce but ultimately would like a job helping others achieve their goals.
The Allentown Rescue Mission would like to congratulate Joe for being strong, taking control of his life, and seeking out a program that was right for him.