Clean Team Workforce Employee of the Month for June

The Allentown Rescue Mission’s Clean Team Workforce congratulates its Employee
of the Month for June, Shaheed B.

Shaheed came to the Allentown Rescue Mission after being evicted from his home for late rent
payments. He had been working part-time and struggled to pay his bills each month. After staying in
the Emergency Shelter, he joined the eight-week Transformation Program. Shaheed said, “I really
enjoyed all the classes taught in the Transformation Program. They are very helpful.”

In November of 2022, Shaheed graduated from the Transformation Program and has been working for
the Clean Team Workforce ever since. He has been a versatile employee, ready and willing to tackle any
assignment. Shaheed has taken on jobs such as assembly work, cleanouts, junk removal, grass cutting
and litter cleanup, but his favorite job is landscaping. He loves mulching and beautifying the customer’s

Shaheed is a hard worker and an asset to the Clean Team Workforce. He has been saving money while
working and plans to use the money for rent when he moves out of the Allentown Rescue Mission. He is
fortunate to have a family member who has offered him a place to stay with low rent. Once he moves,
Shaheed would like to find a permanent job closer to his residence.

The Allentown Rescue Mission is proud to have Shaheed as its Clean Team Workforce Employee of the
Month and wishes him the best of luck.

The Allentown Rescue Mission, a 501c3, 123 bed non-profit homeless shelter has been providing shelter for homeless men since 1900. In addition to emergency shelter services (365 days a year), the Allentown Rescue Mission offers a residential life skills program, and transitional employment on the Clean Team Workforce that’s available for hire to the community. The Clean Team Workforce pays the men above PA state minimum wage– helping them save a nest egg to transition back into the community. In a typical year, the Allentown Rescue Mission provides shelter services for over 946 men per year, and serves over 42,000 meals a year to men in need.

To refer someone to the Allentown Rescue Mission for services or to learn ways you can help make a
difference please visit