Thi is DaQuan, one of the latest Transformation Program graduates. Before coming to us, DaQuan was “lost in his own mind” and was emotionally drained and taken advantage of by someone he considered a friend. “I hadn’t heard about the Mission before. Someone recommended I come here, and it was one of the best decisions I made so far.” Recalls, DaQuan.
After receiving immediate help in our Emergency Shelter, he joined the Transformation Program. He learned how his choices were getting in the way of his happiness, and how to make the choices to better his life.
Now he will begin the third step in our facility’s path towards transformation – working in the Clean Team Workforce. There, he will learn positive workplace values, earn money, and eventually get his own place. “I’ve learned to cherish every moment from here on.” Comments DaQuan. Congrats, Daquan! We’re sure you’ll accomplish great things.