This Friday was the graduation of just one graduate from the Transformation Program at the Allentown Rescue Mission. Dennis is a young man in his twenties who found himself unable to pay rent with the job he was working. He didn’t have a family to whom he could turn, so he came to the Mission.
After a second attempt at talking him into the Transformation Program he decided to give it a shot. He isn’t particularly religious, but by his own admission it was the kindness of the staff that induced him to stick with it. “Rob, David, Curt, Edwin, they’re all nice guys. I figured I should try.”
After a few months Dennis has graduated and is now a member of the Clean Team.
These stories are often similar, and Dennis’ story is a reminder that anyone can become homeless. Dennis has been working since his teens. He has no history of addiction or abuse. He was just one of the millions of Americans that is perhaps 1 or 2 paychecks away from homelessness.
Like the other members of the Clean Team he working to save money and find independence when the time is right. Congratulations Dennis! And thanks for helping the Mission with the Meatball pledge drive.
And please help us this holiday season with our Thanks for Giving fundraising:
You can also find donation boxes at Embassy Banks in the Lehigh Valley.