Finding The Light
Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. Nick is one of them. A native of the Bronx in New York, the youthful, 38-year-old graduate of the Mission’s Christian Living Program, happens to be a skilled butcher. He also knows something about the sharp knives of life in a big city.
That may explain his affection for the rolling green hills and valleys of Pennsylvania, where he landed in 2004, ready to put down permanent roots after many tumultuous years working and living in New York.
It would make a nice, clean story to say that his life turned around at that point. Unfortunately, things don’t always go the way we would like.
Years of financial and housing instability for Nick continued, aided in part by decisions influenced by too many years of being a self-described “angry man.” The mean streets of the Bronx will do that to a person.
Only when his journey brought him to the Allentown Rescue Mission did Nick find everlasting light. He became a Christian, working hard to become a more accepting person and to model the values he discovered in the Bible.
His efforts have paid dividends, both spiritually and financially. Following graduation from the Christian Living Program and work on the Mission’s Clean Team, he today finds himself happily and gainfully employed at Heep’s. Nick’s future looks bright. We would like to wish Nick the very best moving forward.